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Rowdy Fellow - The Every Man

Nara Rohit’s Rowdy Fellow is gearing up to become yet another super cop film with all the elements to make it a success in Tollywood – strong story, romance, action, comedy and great songs. What is evident though is that a real effort has been made to make the film as realistic as possible, starting with the characterisation of Rohit. Ra.. Ra.. Ra.. Rowdy Ra.. Ra.. Ra.. sang the tune as he made his entry onto the screen. In the most recently released trailer we hear the words “Nuvvu rowdy va police va?” (Are you a goon or a cop?) Here is a central character, the leading man none the less, playing a role that has shades other than plain old white. He is the bad good guy, the one who makes a difference in the real world. Already we can see themes of good triumphing over evil and who better to do that then the people who have been given the great honour to protect the men and women of the nation – the Police. Rohit also embodies the role in a way that one and all can relate to. “Rana Pratap Jayadev, prabhutva udyogini,” he says. (Rana Pratap Jayadev, public employee.) He is dressed in simple khakis, whites and blacks; he is even built like a regular cop – tough, built and not ‘model-esque’, giving the role an even more believable angle. He is the every man that every man, woman and child can and will relate to.