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Million Moms Launch Event at Novotel


It's an initiative taken up for the health and fitness as well as the overall happiness of Mothers by Dr.Mani Pavitra

Our target to motivate a million moms toward health , fitness and immense joy !

Is fitness what comes to your mind when you think of mom? You think of your mother in terms of what amazing food she cooks, but have you ever thought of cooking something for her? Can there be a connection between you cooking a meal and your mother’s work out ? Yes there is !! Because, she’d would get time to workout if she is relieved of the physical & emotional burden of running a home. We think of mothers in our sickness and when things aren’t working out, but we tend to not think of them so much when everything is fine.

We are starting this initiative to motivate mothers and drive them towards health and fitness.

About Founder :

Million Moms is a brain child of Dr.Mani Pavitra, a social entrepreneur. “As a society we are crippling our mothers with so much responsibility that they don’t have time to take care of their own health and fitness”, says Dr. Pavitra. It is time that we take the health of our mothers into our hands, like they’ve been doing all our life. We at Million Moms plan to motivate at least a million moms to take charge of themselves and their health with this initiative.

Women and men have different health-care needs, but an equal right to live healthily. For many women and girls, however, gender discrimination systematically undermines their access to health care, for reasons that include fewer financial resources and constraints on mobility.

This is compounded by additional burdens imposed by gender disparities which limit their ability to stay healthy. These include long hours spent on domestic work, unsafe work environments and gender-based violence, with mechanisms for prevention and protection are often inadequate. Therefore, a sustainable development agenda is imperative for state to continue to be the economic growth engines into the future. This of course, is not possible by government initiatives alone and requires active citizen participation.

However, citizen participation is critically dependent on the following factors:

(a) Awareness on the problem

(b) Understanding of the possible solutions

(c) Emotional connect to address the challenge

(d) Creating citizens empowerment

Now it is our mission to reach out to million mothers to help and motivate them to take up personal health management as a priority. Healthy mothers have the power to educate and empower their family as well as families around them. 


The mother is the backbone for the growth of the society. Only if she is healthy, fit and happy can she motivate or inspire a whole generation. Once she masters these, she is all set to become more confident and this confidence will turn work as a powerful weapon to instil positivity in the generations to come.

 To make her understand and realize her potential, importance and existence which is at the core of this society’s wellbeing, we are introducing a program called #21DAYS CHALLENGE. Research says 21 days is what it takes for any work to become a habit. We ask our mothers to take up the #21DAYSCHALLENGE which will be scheduled by Dr. Mani Pavitra, with different tasks every day. Moms are asked to post their experiences through their social media channels for 21days, to keep track of their progress and also inspire other mothers to take this up.

A Panel interaction is moderated by Prema Malini, Journalist & Creative Director Million Moms

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